Are you a fan of cherries? Or cherry flavoring? There’s just something about the tartness that makes your mouth water. I feel like I have a love hate relationship with cherry. I loooooove cherry jello, cherry pie filling, fresh cherries, frozen cherries in smoothies, etc. I could go on, but you get the idea here. On the flip side, I hate fake cherry flavoring. Like the stuff in some candy or medicine. Blech! Nasty.
See what I mean? Love/Hate.
These jello shooters are full of that good cherry punch in the tastebuds. There’s cherry pie filling, cherry jello, AND cherry soda. Delish!

Let’s get to making these babies!

You will need…


  • 2 boxes of cherry jello
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of boiling water
  • 1 can of cherry flavored cola
  • 1 can of cherry pie filling
  • cool whip to top

Step 1: combine boiling water and cherry cola. Then add jello powder to liquids. Stir for 2 minutes or until completely dissolved.

Step 2: once jello is dissolved, add in can of pie filling. Store together until mixed well.

Step 3: if you’re using shooter glasses, ladle the mixture into each glass. I made 12 shooter glasses and still had a little bit of jello leftover at the end in a separate bowl. Place in the refrigerator overnight to set up.

Step 5: once set up, add a dollop of cool whipped topping and serve!

Isn’t it cute?! It’s single serve, everyone gets their own! I love these. They’re so fun! Kids have fun with them too.

Let me know if you tried this recipe in the comments! Did you change anything?