CHEERS! It’s a new year! Before we start anew, it’s a great time to think about how thankful we are for the blessings we had throughout the year. Each New Year’s Eve looks a little bit different each year. Another year older and another change to think about all the changes that happened during the…
Grinch Punch
You’re a mean one….jk! You’re a nice one. That’s why you’re checking out this Grinch punch after all! This is super good, kid approved, and so much fun! I have to admit, I had fun making them too…and of course I sampled the finished product hehe. There are so many different ways to incorporate this…
Shine Bright
Once upon a time, the world was a very dark and dreary place. There was an outbreak of plague that continued to ravage all living inhabitants. Those who learned to survive discovered the secrets to defeat the plague of darkness. The only true absolution: light. Sound like a good book idea? Meh. Maybe. But let’s…
Cupid Floats
I guess technically Cupid doesn’t “float”, he flies with his wings? Either way, these were a fun Valentine’s Day treat for the family. Unfortunately this year, we celebrated a little later than everyone else. Our house got plagued by some sort of virus that felt never ending. Luckily, we all pulled through somehow! Lucky for…
Couch Cleaning Hack
Does your couch look like the top left picture? And you hate it? No matter how many times you say “no food” on the couch…somehow stains still manage to find their way to it. Let me tell you how I got to the bottom right picture. Unless you live under a rock (no judgement if…
Motivation: Where are you?
Do you ever sit on your couch and stare in utter disgust at the mess? Yeah. Me too. Staring in disgust is so much easier than actually doing anything that needs done. Sometimes the smallest tasks can seem daunting. So where do you find motivation to get going?? Asking for a friend….only the friend is…