I know. But do I really…know?

There I was. Sunday morning. In the same pew. Singing from the same hymnal. Song #200, My sins are blotted out, I know. And I started thinking while we were singing through each verse. Do we know? Do we really and truly understand what that means. God works in many mysterious ways, and the holy spirit connects with you when you don’t expect it sometimes. But on this particular Sunday, I started to think…do I know? Of course I know. Right? Jesus died on the cross for MY sins. He did it for you. He did it for me. He did it for ALL of us. But do we really know what that meant. What it means that he blotted out our sins.

If you’ve ever had an ink pen leak, or used a quill with ink, you know how messy an ink stain can be. If you’ve ever gotten ink on something, you know it’s really hard to get it out whether its clothes or your walls or furniture…I could go on, but you get the point. It may seem like at the time, that ink is very runny and spreads all over quickly making a giant mess where you don’t want it to. However, ink isn’t as runny as some other liquids are. If you think about how quickly a cup of water covers a table, compared to how slow syrup comes out of the bottle. The viscosity of different liquids is just…well different. Ink is less runny than water, but more runny than lots of other liquids. Now think about God using his ink to blot your sins out. He is intentionally using ink to mar up the record and blot out your sins. When we have the misfortune happen, we’re upset. But God uses the same ink blotting for His purpose.

My sins are blotted out.

Imagine, your sins are blotted out. With ink. By the creator himself. He took his pen and intentionally blotted YOUR sins right out. They’re not erased, exactly. They still happened. But he ultimately paid the price and he BLOTTED them out. The one who writes your story thinks you are important enough to live with him eternally, and he BLOTTED out your sins. Have you ever tried to see what was under something that has been blotted out? It’s nearly impossible, if not impossible altogether. That intentional ink blot is there permanently blotting your sins by the holy one himself.

Not only did he blot out our sins, but the ink he used was his own blood. My sins are washed away by the blood of Christ. Of course, we know, right? Imagine seeing Christ take a vat of ink, with his own blood, and blotting your sins out with it. On the one hand, it seems so simple, but on the other hand, how powerful and amazing He is to be able to blot out all of our sins with his blood. His blood has the property to blot our your sins forever, for eternity, so that you may remain with Him eternally.

In order for my sins to be blotted out, I need to put my faith in Jesus. He who holds the pen, controls the ink inside, and controls my life story. Life may be hard. Life may not seem fair. Life may be downright awful. God knows. He weeps with you. He carries you in times you need Him. He knows things won’t always go our way. Partially because, our way is not always His way. That’s a tough pill to swallow. How would God not want the best for me? He does. Just wait and see. Pray through it. Pray until your prayers are not only answered, but have been surpassed. He wants mountains for you. Though you may walk in many valleys in life, there are also many mountains. Without valleys, mountains would be but small ant hills. We would never even notice the mountain we were atop of if it weren’t for the valley far below. It’s our FAITH during those times that gets us to the mountain. Faith that Jesus will be with you. He will blot out your sins. He will carry you in times of need. Faith. Faith in the one who holds the pen.

I leave you with the thought of whether or not you know what it means to have your sins blotted out. The sacrifices that were made to create the reality of blotting out your sins. I hope that this has inspired you and invoked the thought that while this is simple, it is the most powerful thing. I pray you leave with the holy spirit inspiring you as well. Let me know your thoughts below. Until next time!

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